DIRSIZE v3.3 - Disk usage and wastage in a directory tree ========================================================= Copyright (c) 1993-8 Simon A Carter for Crystal Software DirSize is SHAREWARE and may be trialed for a period of 30 days. After this time you must either purchase the registered version (for $15) or cease using the shareware version. Please register your USAGE of DirSize by sending email to launch@ozemail.com.au, with your name and address, the version of DirSize you are using and any relevant comments or suggestions. By registering DirSize we can inform you of updates or improvements and let you know when the next version is released. If you like and use DirSize, how about linking to our Web site (see below)? Please read the file ORDER.TXT for other registration options. Online Web Registration at Albert's Ambry ========================================= The registered version of DirSize can be purchased and received immediately on the Internet, eliminating shipping and handling costs. Direct URL: http://secure.alberts.com/P?Product=625&Source=AuthProg OR go to http://www.alberts.com and search for: DirSize Click on the "Buy it" hotlink to register DirSize. Contact Information =================== We are always happy to hear your comments! If you use and like DirSize, or have any suggestions for improvements, please drop us a line! Other user's suggestions have made it what it is today. Email: launch@ozemail.com.au WWW: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~launch Fax: +61 (3) 9800-3078 Voice: +61 (3) 9888-3104. After hours number. Please leave a contact name, number and time, and we will try to get back to you within 24 hours. Mail: Simon Carter Crystal Software 2 / 9 Woodbine Court Wantirna Victoria 3152 AUSTRALIA. Benefits ======== DirSize shows you how much disk space is used and wasted in each directory. Its uses include: * Finding space hogs on a network * Finding multiple copies of a single application on a server * Finding which directories could be archived to save space (typically those that contain lots of small files) * Finding where most of the disk space is used * Finding applications to remove before installing a new one * Previewing the benefits of a smaller cluster size * Generating daily, weekly or monthly reports showing how the disk space distribution has changed. You can easily generate tab- or comma-delimited output to feed directly into your favourite spreadsheet for further analysis * Showing you the complete directory tree On large hard disks up to 1/4 of the total drive space is wasted! DirSize will show you where. It runs under DOS, Windows 3.x, 95, 98 and NT, and supports long filenames under Windows 95, 98 and NT. Features ======== * Summary statistics for multi-level directories. This is very useful for finding the complete size of applications before deletion or backup. * Displays Windows 95/NT long filenames. * Supports international thousands separators. * The directories to be displayed can be limited by their size or depth; very useful for eliminating unnecessary detail. * For the selected drive, displays actual cluster size, free space, used space and capacity. * For each directory tree specified, displays cluster size (user- selectable), total space used and wastage (as a percentage or as a total). * For each directory displayed, shows total space, wasted space (as a percentage or as a total), and if it has subdirectories, the total space used by the directory and all of its subdirectories. * Shows wasted space for a given cluster size - optimise your cluster size before repartitioning your hard disk. * Rounds up file sizes to the cluster size for the most accurate size information. * Size/wastage information includes the size of directories themselves. * Full scrolling support in either direction. Disabled automatically if output is redirected. * Output can be redirected to a file or to the printer or into another program. * The characters used to draw the directory tree can be changed from DOS extended ASCII characters to standard ASCII characters for other operating systems. * Comma-delimited and tab-delimited output formats for easy importing into databases, spreadsheets or word processors for further analysis or specialised printing. * Directory sorting by name, total or local size, wastage or file count. * Future proof - directory sizes up to 99 GB are catered for. * Progress indicator as it accumulates file information. Installation ============ Just copy DIRSIZE.EXE to a directory in your path, for example, to C:\DOS. To find out the directories in your path, type c:\> path [Enter] How to use DirSize ================== Typing dirsize -? [Enter] on its own will display usage information. Usage: dirsize [options] [directory] [options] Where [options] is zero or more of: [directory] Default: Current path The directory to process. This may be a UNC path (\\computer_name\share_name\path). Directory names with special characters such as spaces must be entered with double quotes e.g. c:\> dirsize "Program Files" [Enter] -sort= Default: name [name | local | Specifies the sort order: total | waste | Name - sort by directory name in alphabetical order. files | none Local - sort by local size, largest first. ] Total - sort by total size, largest first. Waste - sort by wasted space, largest first (not as percentage of overall space). Files - sort by number of files, largest first. None - do not sort. This may be useful if you are comparing DirSize's output to an unsorted listing from the DOS DIR command - each directory is displayed in the same order it was retrieved from disk. -p Do not paginate the output. Pagination pauses after each screenful of output. [Enter] shows the next line, [Esc] exits, [End] scrolls continuously to the end of the output, and any other key shows the next screen full of output. Pagination is automatically disabled when the output is redirected. -size=# Only show directories that use # space or larger. A K, M or G suffix can be used to express the value in KBytes (1024 bytes), MBytes (1024 KBytes) or GBytes (1024 Mbytes). This is very useful for finding network space hogs, or for eliminating small directories that are of no consequence from the display. -cl=# Show how much disk space would be wasted if the cluster size was set to # bytes per cluster. # is restricted by DOS to powers of two, but for convenience DirSize allows it to be set to any value. This is useful for previewing the result of a change in cluster size on a set of files. In general, the smaller the cluster size, the smaller the wasted space. As for -size=# above, a K, M or G suffix can be used. -dir In this mode, DirSize does not round up the space used by each directory (the local size, not including any subdirectories). DirSize also ignores the space used in each directory by DOS for housekeeping. -# Default: All levels (255) Limits the number of levels of directories displayed to the given value. Eg -1 will only show the first directory level. The statistics will include all levels, but they will not be displayed. This is very useful if you just need to find out how much total space is in use by an application without caring how it is divided into sub-directories. A value of 0 is equivalent to a value of 255 (i.e. all levels). -comma Print the result in a comma-delimited output format suitable for importing into a spreadsheet, database or word processor. -tab Same as -comma above but outputs in tab-delimited format. -nowaste Do not show wasted space for each directory. The wasted space is still included in the totals - it is just not shown as a display column. -nostats Disable the drive statistics shown at the end of the report. -asval Show the actual wasted space per directory rather than as a percentage of the directory's used space. -c<+|-> Control which characters to use for drawing lines. + Uses DOS's graphical line drawing characters even if it detects that its output is being redirected. - Uses portable text line drawing characters even if it detects that its output is not being redirected. This is useful if the result is going to be used on another computer, for example, on a Unix machine or a Macintosh. Note: When DirSize detects that its output is being redirected, it automatically turns off pagination, and selects portable characters to draw lines, such as +, - and |. It does this because the output may be sent to a device or another computer that does not understand DOS's line drawing characters (which are non-portable). When DirSize's output goes to the screen, it uses the DOS line drawing characters. You can override the default behaviour in either case using the -c option DirSize Environment Variable ============================ If you regularly use the same settings for DirSize, you can set them in the environment variable DirSize. This variable is processed before command line options, so anything specified on the command line will override it. e.g. SET DIRSIZE=-nowaste -c- -nosort Some of DirSize's command line options require an equals sign. In order to use these in an environment variable, change the equal sign (=) to a colon (:) eg -cl=# becomes -cl:#. Redirecting Output ================== DirSize's output can be redirected to any device. For example, to save DirSize's output to the file output.txt, you can type: dirsize > output.txt [Enter] To add DirSize output to an existing file exists.txt, type dirsize >> exists.txt [Enter] To send DirSize's output to the printer, type dirsize > prn [Enter] DirSize Example =============== The output below was generated from running DirSize in the Program Files directory (in a DOS shell under Windows 95). All directories smaller than 2 MB have been removed from display: c:\> dirsize d:\ -2 [Enter] DirSize v3.3 Copyright (c) 1993-8 Simon Carter for Crystal Software Total-no subs Wstd Files Directory name [dir + subdirs total] -------------- ---- ----- ----------------------------------------- 0 0% 0 D:\ [239,828,992] 4,096 92% 0 |--Games [157,437,952] 593,920 13% 19 | |--Larry1 946,176 4% 11 | |--Larry2 913,408 24% 52 | |--Lemmings 28,327,936 5% 362 | |--Mech2 ... [63,311,872] 1,024,000 7% 17 | |--Quake ... [19,726,336] 9,408,512 3% 67 | |--Starcon2 61,587,456 1% 226 | |--Starcon3 946,176 5% 10 | +--Zork 4,096 95% 0 |--Installation Zips [69,320,704] 5,595,136 0% 1 | |--cardshop 6,418,432 0% 5 | |--Driver disks for '95 56,303,616 0% 56 | |--Osr2 999,424 12% 33 | +--Powerup 2,920,448 1% 4 |--Recycled 6,676,480 2% 38 +--zips [10,149,888] 3,260,416 3% 20 +--New stuff ... [3,473,408] -------------- ---- ----- ----------------------------------------- 239,828,992 2% 921 Cluster size: 4,096 Wastage: 3,696,755 -------------- ---- ----- ----------------------------------------- Drive D: statistics: Cluster size: 4,096 bytes Free space: 6,615,040 bytes ( 3% of capacity is free) Used space: 238,186,496 bytes Capacity: 244,801,536 bytes Note how all sizes shown (except the wasted space) are integral (whole) multiples of the drive's cluster size. When DirSize has produced a display, you can press: [W] To toggle the wastage display on and off [D] To alternate the wastage display format between a percentage of the total space used or as an actual value [F] To toggle the file count display on and off [A] Alternates the display of tree characters betweeen standard ASCII and graphic line-drawing characters. What is the "Cluster Size" ? ============================ When your computer places files on a disk (both hard disks and floppy disks), it must use an integral number of allocation units. The size of the allocation units varies depending on the total capacity of the disk. This means that if a file is smaller than one complete allocation unit, it does not fill the entire allocation unit. For example, lets say we have a file that is 300 bytes long. On a floppy disk with an allocation unit of 512 bytes, the file will only occupy the first 300 bytes, but since one entire allocation unit must be used, the remaining 212 bytes are wasted. A file 513 bytes long will occupy 2 allocation units, with 511 bytes wasted. An allocation unit is called a CLUSTER. Floppy drives typically use a cluster size of 512 bytes or 1,024 bytes, so not much space is wasted. Hard disks range from 2,048 bytes (for a 106 MB drive) to 32,768 bytes (for a 1.04 GB drive) and even 65,535 bytes, which means that a great deal of space is wasted. The cluster size gets bigger with bigger disks for two reasons: 1) A DOS limitation that sets an absolute upper maximum on the total number of clusters on a drive (65535). 2) The overhead of managing a large number of clusters consumes a lot of disk space that cannot be used for anything else. The DOS DIR command always shows you the size actually in use by the file - it does not include the extra 'wasted' space at the end of the cluster. This wasted space is sometimes referred to as 'slack' space. Directories use up clusters too =============================== DirSize takes into account the amount of disk space used to store the entries within each directory. Normal file, directory and volume label entries take up 32 bytes each. Long filename entries can consume between 1 and 32 additional directory entries (each of 32 bytes). Even empty directories use a minimum of one cluster - for the current directory "." and the parent directory ".." entries. The root directory always consumes a fixed and pre-determined amount of disk space which cannot be reclaimed, and DirSize excludes the number of entries in the root directory from its calculations. DirSize does not take into account the size of entries that are no longer being used. This means that a directory that has had many files deleted may display a size lower than that actually in use. DOS never reclaims this extra space unless you delete the directory. To reduce the amount of disk space used by directories, remove directories that do not contain any files. Also, if you delete a large number of files from one directory (particularly directories containing long filenames), move the files to a new directory, remove the old one and then rename the new directory to the original name. Lost clusters ============= Clusters can become orphaned when DOS is unable to complete changes to the disk, for example, when you are forced to reboot your machine or when the power is turned off accidentally. These clusters cannot be used until they are identified and reclaimed. Use the DOS CHKDSK or SCANDISK command to reclaim lost clusters. Lost clusters are considered to be used. Reducing wasted space ===================== What about Disk Compression ? ============================= Disk compression programs like Stacker and DoubleSpace are able to make use of the wasted space because they take on the responsibility of storing the files themselves. By doing so, they overcome DOS's integral cluster size limitation. DirSize's space wasted information may be invalid on volumes controlled by these programs, and on some later versions of file servers. What about archives ? ===================== Storing collections of files in a compressed or uncompressed archive saves space, because by grouping all of the files into one large file, only a small amount of space is wasted. The archive program uses its own format to store the files without wasting space. Partitions - decreasing the cluster size ======================================== Partitions subdivide a physical disk drive into a number of logical drives. For example, a 500 MB hard disk could be partitioned into two 250MB partitions, C: and D:. The advantage of doing this is that the cluster size can be smaller, and in general, the amount of wasted space will be smaller. The disadvantage is that it takes time to set up (since you have to move ALL of your data off the hard disk in order to partition it, unless you have a program that can re-partition on the fly), and you have to remember which drive your programs are on, and manage space across two drives instead of one. For more information on partitions, see the DOS FDISK command.